Friday, August 14, 2009

Saw a sign that got me thinkin': Why would you go to a strip club for a bikini contest? Wouldn't you just be getting less for yer money?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

We're gonna catch [most of] a double-header of the South Bend Silverhawks, the Single A farm club of the Diamondbacks...
Is sitting in Goshen, Indiana, in a lovely coffee shop that is one of the 3 businesses open past 4 PM on Saturday (!), getting ready to head back to South Bend.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I find it fascinating that Wm Henry Harrison St A: exists at all, and B: is longer than FD Roosevelt St.
The South Shore Line goes past a section on the outskirts of Gary, IN where all the (tiny) cross streets are named for the presidents. In chronological order.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Marooned at Midway... it is disturbingly bright for this time of day... fortunately, I have Craig Finn here to sing to me until my sister shows...

Monday, August 3, 2009

In the vein of "a murder of crows" and "a crash of rhinos," we give you: a kegger of dudes. As in, "South Street is over-run by a kegger of dudes tonight..."