Sunday, October 4, 2009

Peed on Edison and sought (and was granted) an audience with his meat monarch... Now, once more into the breach...
Strange though it may be, I'm actually really excited to be in New Jersey.
Seems like the entirety of the 40 miles of stop and go was due to rubbernecking a VERY MINOR fender bender just into NYS. I hate people.
So, after the 40 miles from New Haven to here took WAY too long, we're finally into New York. And more traffic. Whoo.
And yet, when the sign says "Reduce Speed To 45," no one does it. Congratulations, Connecticutians: I'm officially speechless.
Oh my god route 95 veers 10 degrees to the left SLOW DOWN!!! I thought 76 was bad... Fucking Connecticutians...
Why is it that the roads around Ivy league schools feature the worst drivers and pedestrians? People can't merge in New Haven or cross the street in Ithaca...
Ah, Connecticut: a vast wasteland for crazy Massachusetts drivers and crazy New York drivers to battle for turf supremacy... And eat nutmeg.
Maybe I've got a reason to believe we all will be received in Graceland...
Taxachusetts? D'oh!
Back on the road after a stunning breakfast at the O'Brien's that did its best to chase away the hangovers... Now for a few hours of cloudy autumn drive...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The hour approacheth... For reals now... Rock...
The first dance(s) went swimmingly... Greek dancing (in 7, freaking Hellenites!) and cake en route... Then rock.
Ah, the post-wedding, pre-dinner cocktail and milling: when the gap between the shoes that look good and the shoes that don't hurt is at its widest...
And now, onto the traditional running-around-in-circles-trying-desperately-to-have-everything-work-out-before-the-wedding-starts dash...

Friday, October 2, 2009

YAY hotel! Yay shower! Yay restringing guitars! Yay everything!
And finally, FINALLY, State 6: Acceptance that we will never get out of this car. Oh wait, here we are. 95 to 4 to 16 to precious, horrible freedom.
As an update to an earlier post: the road to New Hampshire is a long one, with lots of VERY BAD drivers. No leaf peeping is worth this.
FINALLY. State 5: a backslide to Fear. 84 to 90 to 495 to 95. Startin' to have some nice leafs to peep, though.
At long last, food stop. Whoo-hoo. Can Connecticut be over yet?
Is it just me, or does every town in Connecticut consist of -bury, -port, -ford, or -haven and a direction?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand... Traffic. Again. No accident, no lane-closing construction. Just stop and go just because. *sigh*
Aaaaaaaaaand... Traffic. No idea why. Just early afternoon in Stamford.
State 4: Resignation, with a soup_on of cautious optimism. 95 to 91 to 84. O Conncticut... You are so large and white...
State 3: Anger. The Cross-Bronx Expressway. This continues to ring true.
Gonna pee on Vince Lombardi. Also maybe eat a burger.
Aaaaaaaaaaand.. Traffic. Three lanes at a dead stop because TWELVE MILES AHEAD a car is on fire. Do we all have to look? Really?
On to state 2 of our 6 state journey... From shock to bargaining... Or New Jersey... Now that I think about it, I'd do some bargaining to avoid New Jersey...
We're off on the road to New Hampshire...